Tree Pruning Tips To Avoid Bothering Your Tree Squirrels

If you have many trees on your property, then you may know that these trees are home to a variety of different animals, including squirrels. If you are the type of person who loves the wildlife on your property, then you want to make sure that you do not disturb nests. If you are most concerned about squirrel nests, then keep reading to learn about a few tips that will help you to minimize damage.

Prune Before Spring

It is always wise to prune trees before buds form or well after they develop and emerge on your trees. This often means pruning at the very end of winter or the beginning of the spring. This is also a good plan if you want to minimize the disruption of the squirrel population. Squirrels do create two separate nests on most occasions and they will retreat to their second nest if you disturb the first one during a pruning session. The squirrels will then return to the nest once you leave the area or they will build another nest in another tree nearby. 

If you decide to wait until late spring or early summer to prune, then squirrels will often have babies within their nests. Specifically, squirrel mating season is in early spring and babies are born in late spring or early summer. If you decide to prune near the nest filled with babies, then the mother squirrel will protect the nest or try to relocate the babies while you are trimming. This can create an extremely stressful situation for everyone involved. 

Remove Nests Temporarily

If you do start pruning and notice a squirrel nest in one of the trees, then you can relocate the nest temporarily. The majority of nests will be located in the crooks of the trunk and high off the ground at about an eight to ten foot height. The nest may be used by the squirrel if you prune sometime in the afternoon. Squirrels are crepuscular animals that are active in the early morning and late afternoon. If you start your pruning during the times when squirrels are active, then you should be able to remove the nest and replace it when you are done without directly scaring the squirrel. 

Use your hands to remove the nest gently. Most nests are made from leaves and small twigs, so do your best to avoid damaging it. Complete your trimming and then place the nest back where you found it. If you damage the nest at all, do not worry, the squirrel will rebuild it or choose to create a new one in the same tree or one nearby. For more help, talk with one of your local tree trimming services today.
