6 Situations That Require Emergency Tree Removal

When a tree becomes hazardous, the safest action to take is to remove that tree. Waiting to see what happens could result in property damage and even injury. In all of the following situations, trees are dangerous and require immediate removal.

1. A tree leaning over a structure 

Leaning trees aren't always a problem, but when a tree leans dangerously close to a structure, that structure is at risk. Bad weather could bring the tree down onto the structure or cause its branches to strike the structure. And if the tree's lean is getting steadily worse, the root system is beginning to fail. It may not be very long until the tree is uprooted completely.

2. A tree badly damaged in a storm

If strong winds have ripped one or more large branches from a tree, that tree may decline very quickly. This is especially true if the branches have ripped away from the trunk and damaged the vascular system of the tree. Lightning-damaged trees that have lost bark may also soon die and gradually become weaker. These trees could topple at any time.

3. A tree with a failing root system

If strong rains have washed away the soil and sediment around your tree's root system, that tree is in danger of toppling. This is because the root system has lost its anchorage to the soil. And if the roots on one side protrude from the soil, this may indicate that the tree is on the verge of falling over. Emergency removal may be needed.

4. A tree with dead branches on one side

Dead branches are lighter than living branches. If the branches on one side of your tree have died, your tree will be imbalanced. It could fall over at any time. The safest option is to remove the tree before it falls.

5. A tree struck by disease

If disease has struck, and your tree has wilted leaves, dead branches, peeling bark, and fungal growths on its trunk and roots, it will soon die. Dead trees cannot withstand strong winds and heavy rain. Fast removal is needed, especially if there is a nearby structure.

6. A tree with a hollow trunk

Trees with small hollows in the trunk can serve as homes for animals. But large hollows in a trunk can weaken a tree considerably. During a storm, strong winds can cause a tree with a hollow trunk to snap and topple. If you think the hollow in your tree is dangerously large, call a tree professional immediately.

If your tree looks like it might become a hazard, don't wait. Call an arborist immediately. Sometimes, a tree specialist can at least help a tree recover before it falls or drops branches. But time is of the essence, so have a professional assess your tree before the worst can happen.

Contact emergency tree services to learn more.
