Have A Lush And Growing Landscape? Get Tree Removal To Save Other Plants

A homeowner with a somewhat empty backyard may not worry too much about a young tree growing, because there may not be any other growth in the surrounding area. But, you may have a lot of growth happening in your backyard with some plants obstructing one another. This will lead to future issues, because the more invasive plants will cause health issues for other ones. If you have several trees growing in your backyard, you should invest in tree removal with the intention to save as many plants that you can throughout the landscape. Read More 

Dangerous Tree Trimming Mistakes

There are many reasons why you should trim your trees; trimming can stabilize trees, encourage growth spurt, encourage fruit production, and help them avoid infections by getting rid of diseased branches. However, you will only realize these benefits if you get the trimming right. Otherwise, you may even end up hurting the trees and needing to have professional tree removal. For example, you need to avoid the following tree trimming mistakes: Read More 

The 411 On Eastern Red Cedar Trees: Planting And Maintenance Guide

Trees are valuable additions to your landscape design. While the added appeal is obvious, trees are also capable of increasing home value and providing shade and insulation that helps with energy efficiency. Of course, some trees are more beneficial than others, since they grow up to incredible heights and widths that create appeal, value, and shade. The Eastern red cedar tree is an excellent option for your home. Even though it is common and easy to plant and maintain, most homeowners do not know where to get started with this tree. Read More 

Storm Damage Risk Signs In Your Landscape

No one wants to experience exterior storm damage from falling branches or toppling trees, yet many people aren't aware of the risk factors that can lead to such damage. By knowing what to look for when doing routine maintenance in the landscape, you can catch potential problems before damage occurs. The following guide can help you learn what types of landscape issues to watch for. Deadwood Dead or dying wood in a tree canopy is a major cause of storm damage, particularly for trees that overhang buildings or are within several feet of a structure. Read More 

Get Tree Removal Professionals On Your Side Before The Storm

Whether you're concerned about hurricane season or tornado season, heavy winds and rains can bring devastation that interrupts daily life and impedes progress for many days after the storm hits. Downed trees, cracking limbs, and exposed roots can be hard to handle without the right tools, but a tree removal team can handle the issue while you take stock of your household and/or business. Here are a few things to consider as you make emergency plans, including a great, professional partnership with a tree removal team. Read More