Want To Invite Wild Birds To Enjoy Your Trees In The Spring? 3 Ways To Get Started

Enjoying wildlife right outside your windows can be a great way to unwind at the end of a stressful day and even encourage you to spend more time in your yard. If you're eager to make your yard a more welcoming space for wild birds to come by, you need to look into what kinds of changes you can make that will help your yard feel more inviting. Fortunately, most of the positive changes you can make to your yard include the help of tree service professionals. Read More 

3 Things You Should Know About Ticks

Have you found a few ticks on your dog or crawling around in your house? Although ticks bites are not usually harmful, there is still the possibility of them spreading diseases. The risk of getting a disease from a bite basically depends on if the tick is carrying one or not. You might want to get your dog and property treated as soon as possible to prevent the problem from becoming an infestation. Read More 

Salt And Ice-Melt: 3 Basic Winter Tree Care Tips

Rock salt is a necessity in many cities. After all, the salt helps to keep the roadways and walkways safer by melting the snow and ice. Unfortunately, rock salt can wreak havoc on your landscaping – especially your trees. Luckily, with a little effort you can keep your trees healthy. So how can you keep your trees healthy this winter? Here are three tips: 1. Wrap Your Trees If you have young trees on your property, wrapping them is the best way to protect them. Read More 

Five Signs It’s Time To Trim Your Tree

You may think of tree trimming as an aesthetic task -- one you do to keep your tree looking pristine and shapely. But in fact, there are many reasons to trim your trees. If you notice any of these signs, then it is definitely time to either take out the pruning shears or call your local tree trimming service. Heavy, Breaking Branches Sometimes the larger branches may simply grow too heavy to support themselves. Read More 

Three Ways To Make Money While You’re Clearing Your Wooded Land

If you own a tract of land with lots of woods, and you're looking to clear it so that you can build a house, then you have a great opportunity to make some money. All of those trees are worth quite a bit of money in the right hands. The important thing to do is to plan out what you want to do with the trees before you start clear-cutting the property. Read More