You may think of tree trimming as an aesthetic task -- one you do to keep your tree looking pristine and shapely. But in fact, there are many reasons to trim your trees. If you notice any of these signs, then it is definitely time to either take out the pruning shears or call your local tree trimming service.
Heavy, Breaking Branches
Sometimes the larger branches may simply grow too heavy to support themselves.
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If you own a tract of land with lots of woods, and you're looking to clear it so that you can build a house, then you have a great opportunity to make some money. All of those trees are worth quite a bit of money in the right hands. The important thing to do is to plan out what you want to do with the trees before you start clear-cutting the property.
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You may think that the trees growing on your property are yours to do with as you please, but this isn't necessarily true. Some laws and regulations that govern tree removal. Here are four factors that determine whether and when you are free to cut down a tree:
The Nature of the Land
Some jurisdictions also consider the type of property the tree is growing on. They may consider whether the area is developed, whether it is a residential property or whether it is a swamp.
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If you just moved into your first home and now have trees to take care of, then it is important to understand how proper tree maintenance benefits both the health and beauty of your trees and the health of your home. If you are just learning the basics of tree upkeep, then you may have come across the terms "tree pruning" and "tree trimming" and wonder if they are just two ways to express the same idea or not.
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The avocado is a delicate and sensitive tree. Even when growing in its natural environment--South Central Mexico and several other tropical locations in South America--an intense flood, cold snap, or drought can damage its delicate leaves, as can poor soil quality. This delicate nature causes many homeowners to shy away from growing them, even though they can be grown successfully in certain areas of the southern United States. If you've been struggling to grow your own avocado tree, help is on the way.
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